Tuesday, December 28, 2010

In the Middle of the Night

Well... let's see now. First a word of warning to all who are reading this!!!! This is my first attempt at blogging. So this might be a total mess. But on the other hand this might turn out to be just great. No idea :)
Anyway i'm hoping to come up with a few poems in this, some views of the world and some.. who knows what.

First of all before i jump in to more posts i think i might have to explain my title of this blog. Of course there are all sorts of blogs with weirder and weirder names. But I dont really wanna be one of the "weirdos" though some might think being a weirdo is pretty cool. Ah! that might make me sound like a one of highly upright, 'I'm always doing the right thing" kind of a girl.. :) Well.. thats not much away from the truth, I am that type but there are also sides to me that are not so. I guess we all have many sides to us. Good and bad, nice and evil, but we all want to act as Saints :)

So that was a bit of my mind wandering. Anyway if I come back to what I was saying, well the name "Fantastical Reality" was given coz I think that we really live in a fantastical reality. A world of fantasy, a world of dreams. Most of us look at the world through rosy, tinted glasses.(a metaphor of my own) We mostly dont see the world or its people as they really are. But of course thats life. We learn as we go through life, each new day is a new experience. Yet so far this reality hasnt been much harsh. I know that we all have difficulties to be come across in our life. Stepping stones to step by. But well.... the reality I have lived so far is a fantastical to me. Not a fantasy mind you... but just fantastical as in great :)

So It is about this fantastical reality that I will be writing about. The way i see the world and its people.. (My view of the world, through my rosy tinted glasses) :) :)